W Magazine
Well Healed: Recent Innovations with Face Lifts
Dr. Shuster quoted regarding advances in facial plastic surgery.
W Magazine
Early to Work: When to Consider Having Plastic Surgery
Dr. Shuster interviewed for plastic surgery.
Harper's Bazaar
Smooth Operator
Dr. Shuster interviewed regarding Brazilian plastic surgeon Ivo Pitanguy.
Good Housekeeping
Fabulous Over 40: Save Your Skin
Dr. Shuster Interviewed
Manhattan File
Symptom Vanity: Breast Enlargement
Dr. Shuster cited for his expertise in breast augmentation.
Aventura Magazine
Interview with Dr. Shuster regarding cutting edge plastic surgery.
Medicine: Family Practice.
Article written about Dr. Shuster and 3 generations of plastic surgeons.
Men's Fitness
Dr. Shuster appointed to Men's Fitness Board of Advisers as cosmetic surgeon.
The New York Times
Meeting and Greeting in the Capital of Plastic
The New York Post
Quick Fixes for the Holidays: New Yorkers look to shape up fast with fitness and cosmetic pick me ups
Rosie Magazine
The Truth About Liposuction: when it works.
Article featuring Dr. Shuster.
OH Magazine
The Brow Lift
Focusing on the eyes after weight loss, Dr. Shuster describes rejuvenating the eyes.
OH Magazine
The Extended Inner Thigh Lift
Dr. Shuster shares his insight about Inner Thigh Lifts.
Obesity Help Magazine
Facial Rejuvenation for Bariatric Patients.
Article by Bernard A. Shuster, M.D., F.A.C.S.
WLS Life Styles
Contouring your arms after plastic surgery.
Article by Bernard A. Shuster, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Miami Sun Post
Best of the Beaches
Best Plastic Surgery Selection: Bernard A. Shuster, M.D.